I just installed Office 2013 Professional (alongside 2010 and 2007) on my laptop at the weekend. However, it kept crashing and giving me ‘black’ windows. It turns out that, by default, Word uses hardware graphics acceleration, and I guess it wasn’t playing nice with the Radeon chip on my PC. … Read More
What’s In and Out of Office 2013
Bye bye Clippy! For a cool infographic of what features are new in Office 2013, and what current features have been dropped, visit TechRepublic at www.techrepublic.com/blog/window-on-windows/infographic-whats-in-and-out-of-office-2013/7294
Making BYOD Easier
If you BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) to work, separating your private and work data, and synchronizing the latter across multiple devices, can be a pain. However, these five apps, courtesy of TechRepublic, could make your life easier… www.techrepublic.com/blog/five-apps/five-apps-to-make-the-byod-transition-easier/1689
64-bit Wordman Addins
All Wordman addins are now compatible with the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 2010.
Wordman 42 published!
My 42nd Wordman article. “Pitch Points,” has been published in the APMP Perspective. Does it contain the answer to life, the universe and everything? What does it mean when the RFP asks for your response in a 10-pitch font? A fellow proposal manager contacted me a few weeks ago, stating … Read More
New Wordman Article Published!
My forty-first Wordman article, “A Matter of Styles,” was published by the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) in their Perspective online newsletter at www.apmp.org/?page=PerspectiveHome. The full article is only available to signed-in APMP members. This article is the second in a series describing template creation, and deals with creating … Read More
Word 2013!
Microsoft announced Office 2013 yesterday. So what’s new in Word 2013? Your personalized settings will now be available across all platforms, including custom dictionaries When you open a document, the cursor will be where you left it, not at the beginning of the document You will be able to open … Read More
Backup that login…
If you work on IT proposals, this is for you: www.techrepublic.com/blog/career/oh-for-the-love-of-god-put-a-space-after-your-verbs/4461