Wordman Software Updates

WordmanProduct Update

With the release of Wordman’s ReviewIt! recently, I have updated the other addins:

  • Wordman’s Acrogen now allows you to optionally highlight abbreviations to make them easier to find. You can choose from Word’s text highlight colors. See Wordman’s Acrogen for more details.
  • Wordman’s Art Tables now supports pasting artwork as an enhanced metafile, and provides easier access to the Format Caption Numbering options. See Wordman’s Art Tables for more details
  • Wordman’s Hiliter now allows you to optionally store the last time that you ran Wordman’s Hiliter on your document, together with the name and date of the keyword file. See Wordman’s Hiliter for more details.

All add-ins support Word 2007 and Word 2010, and if you are an existing user, you can simply download the new version of each add-in – your license key remains the same.